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So if you have a goal, then come true it courageously. Pass the Adobe 9A0-359 exam is a competition. If you passed the exam, then you will have a brighter future. Passtcert can provide you with the true and accurate Adobe 9A0-359 questions and answers pdf to help you pass the exam. And then you can achieve your ideal.Maybe on other web sites or books, you can also see the related training materials. But as long as you compare Passtcert Adobe 9A0-359 questions and answers pdf with theirs, you will find that our product has a broader coverage of the certification exam's outline. Share some ACE Flash 9A0-359 exam questions and answers below. Your Timeline isn't wide enough to display object timing. What should you do? A. Split the Timeline into two sections. B. Zoom farther away from the Timeline. C. Click the Show/Hide All Items button on the Timeline. D. Stretch the Timeline vertically. Answer: B
You have created a Training Assessment and find that you need to adjust the timing for a number of objects on a slide. The timeline is NOT visible. What should you do? A. Right-click the slide background and choose Show Timeline. B. Choose View > Show Timeline. C. Choose Window > Toolbars > Show Timeline. D. Choose Window > Timeline. Answer: D
You have created a Captivate project using the PowerPoint workflow. You want to edit some text, which was initially a part of the presentation.What should you do? A. Double-click the text and make the edits. B. Right-click the slide and select Edit with Microsoft PowerPoint > Edit Slide. C. Add a text caption on top of the text area and add new text. D. You cannot edit text coming from the presentation in Captivate. Answer: B
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